Sunday, October 29, 2006

Work in progress

It`s probably a little bit too early to tell anything, but I think I have found someone to do art for one of my comic book projects. So currently I`m stuck, surrounded by a stack of papers, notes, pens, pencils, rulers and other things working on the thumbs for the script so that he can get into "my head" easier and draw it the way I want it to be drawn.

Will something work out of it? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe he`ll drop the work and abandon me with an unfinished story, maybe it`ll suck, maybe it`ll be good but not good enough for printing. But there`s also a possibility that it`ll be good enough and that it catches on enough to finish the entire seven issue run and have it released as a trade.
Or maybe as a graphic novel straight away without playing around with monthly issues? Who knows. I don`t, not yet anyway.

Still, the 158 pages of script need to be presented in the form of thumbs before anything can really happen. So I guess it`s back to work for me. And let`s hope for the best.


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